Monday, November 10, 2008

Why, Hello, Fall.

So much for blogging more often! The past five days have been pretty boring because it seems like Fall has made its delayed arrival in Taipei, and it's been cold, cloudy and raining.

Thursday was the day of the epic Mexican food run. As a product of San Diego, I now have a huge, huge love for Mexican food. There isn't a single type of food I miss more during my stay in Taipei than Mexican food. You just can't walk out of your dorm and grab some Rubio's, or go on Roberto's carne asada fries runs late at night anymore. I've been craving Mexican food like crazy, so when Cris told me there was a Mexican restaurant in Taipei, I demanded him take me there IMMEDIATELY.

I was pretty freakin' excited when I got to La Casita. It is off the Blue Line on the MRT, on Zhong Xiao Xin Sheng stop. It's a few blocks away from the MRT station and kind of hard to find, as it is down a random alleyway. Not much help for those of you trying to find it, I suppose. Anyway, Cris told me to get the Super Burrito or else I would be disappointed. So I got the Super Burrito and it was seriously the size of my forearm, or, as he puts it, "a Taiwanese baby." The thing was HUGE. Yue Ying got a normal burrito and it paled in comparison. In general, I'm not a fan of burritos, and this one was kind of dry, but it still quelled my hankering for Mexican food pretty well.
Mm Mexican food...
Cris staring at the massiveness that is the super burrito. Seriously this thing was huge.
The normal burrito pales in comparison.
Friday a huge group of us (10 of us!) went to go see Quantum of Solace. I relished in the fact that the movie came out a week before it does in the US. Taipei movie theatres are funny; they're either HUGE, like the past two I went to, or tiny, like the one I saw QOS in. Literally, I think there were less than 17 rows in the theatre. Still, it was not bad because even though the screen was small, you're sitting very close up to it, so it ends up seeming like around the same size. QOS was bad ass, 'nuff said.

Saturday and Sunday, it rained. Us Guo Qing-ers hate it when it rains on the weekends because there are so few weekends left in Taipei for us, so we like to use the weekends to go out and travel. However, because of the rain, the weekend was pretty much a waste. Since there's no daylight savings time, and because of the thick clouds and rain, it turns into night time at around 5pm in Taipei, which really throws your internal clocks off. Kind of sucks, but oh well.

I had been waiting for another rainy day to go back to Mo Mo Paradise to eat hot pot. That's where we went during the typhoon and it was BRILLIANT! So on Saturday, we went to stuff ourselves full of hot pot. Yum. Afterwards, we went to Xi Men in the thick, thick rain. Since it was raining cats and dogs, we quickly tried to find something to do. The group I was were all not the same as the group I saw QOS with on Friday, so I ended up seeing QOS again. The group on Friday LOVED QOS, but the group I saw it with on Saturday all hated it. Weird. Probably because everyone was having massive food coma from the all-you-can-eat hot pot and rain.

Sunday was another stay-in day. After eating lunch, Jenn and I went to go get our hairs did. I decided I no longer wanted my long hair, so I simply told my stylist that I wanted it short, and it was up to him how what style it was. It turned out pretty nice, though it's weird having short hair again; it hasn't been this short for a few years, I think. Jenn was getting her hair dyed, so I stuck around with her; it took about 2 hours but it turned out pretty nice too.

Afterwards, we went to the Eslite near Taipei 101. Eslite is like a huge mall chain in Taiwan and the one near 101 is their largest one. Six stories and full of all sorts of cool, expensive stores and a huge, huge bookstore. I found several jackets and cardigans I fell in love with but were all too expensive for my wallet :[ Oh well, one can dream, one can dream.

Today was another rainy day. My roommate Kota came down with a flu, and my nose has been sniffling, so I'm staying in with a blanket wrapped around me staying away from the cold. Here's hoping it warms up tomorrow; I've been waiting for fall to come around to Taiwan but, with so little time left to play, I just want it to be warm again!

Until next time, zai jian!


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